Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm out of school today.

Here is a new project for you-  let's work more with color, soooo

Create a small painting of one object resting on white paper.

Follow these limits:
• Use only three colors, NO BLACK OR WHITE (consider using complements and one extra color)
• Describe the objects FORM with value, hot and cold reactions and color complement reactions.
• Create DEPTH with sharp and soft edges
• Describe the cast shadow too...

I will work with you more on this painting Monday and Tuesday, then it is due as homework on Thursday.
Here are some samples of paintings like what I'm asking for...

This is a painting by VAN GOGH, of his shoes... see the pthalo and purple react against the yellow ochre?

More Van Gogh, with orange reacting to blues... He ROCKS color!

 and this is Bonnard's painting of flowers... 
red against greens, purples to yellows, beautiful!!!

Monet, Day 3!

Today we started adding the "lillies" to our painting. Students had to make studies of Monet's paintings to match colors, brush marks and values. I think they found it was not easy to paint like Monet!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monet, Day 2

Today we added a second layer of "background" colors to the painting...... students worked in color teams- purple, greens, and blue teams added marks to the piece. They had to stand back and evaluate where to add colors as they went along.

They did a great job of mixing "Monet" style colors, and getting the impressionist style "shimmer".

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

MONET explosion!

We decided on a more aggressive approach to the Monet studies...... now we are working on a large scale painting to be mounted on the ceiling in the main Academy lobby. The piece is influenced by Monet's lilies series- mainly by his use of color, values and paint application techniques.

Today we painted (or rolled on) the first layer of color. Wednesday we will begin work with large brushes, and then build layers and detail.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

AHHHH The Monet Effect....!

Let's do some quick studies of  color by working from a master.
Each student is going to create a new painting based on the colors and brushwork seen in a Monet Masterpiece.

The completed "studies" will be assembled into a larger installation in the Academy's main lobby.

More on Claude Monet:
• A french painter, living from 1840 to 1926
• He is  known for developing the painting style of "Impressionism".
• He was interested in capturing a moment of time, atmosphere and lighting effects in his paintings.
• He often painted outside, for a short period, the same time each day, to develop his paintings.
• He used a "broken color" technique of overlapping brush strokes and scumbles, which allow the human eye to blend the colors to make vibrant new color. The result is a "shimmering" quality that is more vibrant than the traditional "smooth" painting styles of Monet's time.

Here is the artist

This is one of his paintings called "Impression, Sunrise", painted 1872. This painting is said to have started the style of Impressionism.

Monet created series of paintings to study light and color effects. 

Here is "Haystacks", 1890-1891

This is "Rouen Cathedral, Facade (Sunset)", 1892-1894

Monet eventually built an elaborate garden and pond at his home in Giverny, France, as a resource for more paintings. The colors and textures found in the landscape and water surfaces were inspiration for his experiments.

One example of his work from the garden is, "Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies", painted 1899

Here is a detail of the bridge painting

Monet created a series of paintings working from the reflective surface of the pond. Because he was looking down onto the water surface, the paintings have no sense of "sky" or ground. The paintings become abstractions- some of the first of their kind. These are huge canvases, meant to fill your vision with color and texture.

Here is Monet working on the paintings

Here is "Water Lilies" 1920-1926

This one is "Sea Roses" 1920

and a detail of the "Roses" painting....

and "Water Lily Pond" painted from 1915 to 1926

Here are the lilies paintings on display

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wendy Artin's Brushwork

Look how she uses sepia (like an ink painting) to capture the effect of light and shadow on the figure... and on buildings.

See more of her work here @