Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm out of school today.

Here is a new project for you-  let's work more with color, soooo

Create a small painting of one object resting on white paper.

Follow these limits:
• Use only three colors, NO BLACK OR WHITE (consider using complements and one extra color)
• Describe the objects FORM with value, hot and cold reactions and color complement reactions.
• Create DEPTH with sharp and soft edges
• Describe the cast shadow too...

I will work with you more on this painting Monday and Tuesday, then it is due as homework on Thursday.
Here are some samples of paintings like what I'm asking for...

This is a painting by VAN GOGH, of his shoes... see the pthalo and purple react against the yellow ochre?

More Van Gogh, with orange reacting to blues... He ROCKS color!

 and this is Bonnard's painting of flowers... 
red against greens, purples to yellows, beautiful!!!